Employment: A Conversation with the CEO of Boss Labor Group
Friday, July
8, 2016 @ 10:00 AM EST
Ex-Offender Employment Series continues it's dialogue with employers to discuss
better hiring practices for individuals with a criminal record. This week's
conversation is with Joe Martelli, CEO of Boss Labor Group, who will discuss
Contract Labor as an Option, Work Ethic Overcoming Barriers, and Opportunities
with Boss.
Ex-Offender Employment: Planting Justice
Friday, July 22, 2016 @ 1:00 PM EST
Justice of Oakland, CA has been collaborating with the Insight Garden Program
at San Quentin State Prison since April 2009. They help to lead IGP classes
once a month to provide men in prison with the opportunity to learn about food
justice work, develop landscaping skills, explore the theory and practice of
permaculture design.
Join us for this online conversation to learn how these skills are being put to work in the private sector after release!
Join us for this online conversation to learn how these skills are being put to work in the private sector after release!