Friday, October 17, 2014

US District Court to Host Community Resource Fair

Times are tough for many people particularly those who are and have been unemployed.  With winter and holiday seasons quickly approaching, social service providers recognize a growing need for services, assistance and other resources.  Many people are unaware of the vast array of resources available throughout the region.  In an effort to provide information and contacts to those in need, The United States District Court of Western Pennsylvania is hosting a Community Resource Fair on October 24th from 1:00-2:30 PM.

The event will be held at the Federal Courthouse at 700 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15219 in Suite 3330.  Workshops will offer an opportunity for individuals to learn about and ask questions about Housing, Utility Assistance, Basic Needs, Education and more.  Representatives from over 30 agencies such as Dress for Success, PA Office and Vocational Rehabilitation, UPMC and Bidwell Training Center will be on hand.

The Community Resource Fair is open to the public, but attendees must register in advance.  To register for the event, call 412-395-6907 ext. 5027.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

2014 National Disability Employment Awareness Month Event

The PA Department of Labor & Industry, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR), a PA state agency that assists individuals with disabilities to prepare for, enter into, engage in or retain employment will be hosting a NDEAM breakfast about, “Building a Business Case for Hiring Individuals with Disabilities (IWDs)” at the Wyndham Grand Pittsburgh, 600 Commonwealth Pl, Pittsburgh, PA 15222 on Main Ballroom on the 2nd floor from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.  No Cost to attend BUT you must RSVP!!  I’m encouraging you to bring your HR Team (Up to 5 business members) to this event.    This event will be full of good discussion and information and a great opportunity to network!!  I look forward to seeing you there.

OVR will be having an exciting discussion with employers (federal contractor & subcontractor, human resource, talent acquisition managers and small business owners) and community based organizations on how to partner to create opportunities for individuals with disabilities seeking and maintaining employment. Vendors will be present throughout this event from various disability agencies to show the power of partnership and talk about current resources that employers can “tap” into to meet current hiring needs from the most underutilized talent pool.

The Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) offers business solutions and consultation services. OVR staff can help employers recruit and hire qualified employees, develop employee retention strategies and learn about disability-related issues. Today’s dynamic workforce is increasingly diverse. Employers must compete for highly skilled workers with the talents necessary to help their business grow and to be globally competitive.

Building a Business Case for Hiring Individuals with Disabilities (IWDs)

Tentative NDEAM Event Schedule:
7:30             Registration                                                                
8:00            Breakfast & Networking              
8:30            Executive Welcome, Melanie Harrington, Vibrant Pittsburgh President &CEO
8:45             Dr. C. Scott Wyatt, Keynote Speaker Carnegie Mellon University Tepper School of Business Visiting Assistant Teaching Professor Business Management Communication

9:45             Break      
10:00          CVS Health Business Case Leslie Ries, Senior Manager Workforce Initiatives Dept.
11:00            Lunch with Dave Harding: “Living Well with a Disability”
12:00           Innovation in the Workplace Panel
1:15              Break
1:25             OVR How-to-Guide Panel
2:45             Break
3:00            Workforce Dev. & Job Retention Case Studies Roundtables

RSVP by October 27, 2014 by calling 412-392-5949, Email or through the link on the flyer.  Space is limited!  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Shannon Austin at (412) 392-4958.  Looking forward to seeing you on October 30, 2014!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Career Talk Webpage - Overiew

Many of you may have noticed that the Career Talk on KDKA webpage has been launched.  As such, let me take a few moments to provide an overview of what you will find there.  There are a few major components you do not want to miss. These include:

  1. Now Hiring List - In the scrolling marquee, there is a Now Hiring logo. This will direct you to a weekly job posting list.  These vacancies come directly from employers who have partnered with Career Talk to provide these leads.  An email address is included for job seekers seeking referrals or additional information.
  2. Workforce Events Calendar - This section provides dates and times for Job Clubs, Career Fairs and other interesting events that may be of interest to job seekers, employers, schools, etc.
  3. Career Resource Guide - Links to Career Talk Employers, schools and service providers.  Also included are links to career assessments, labor market information, associations for HR professionals and more.
  4. Weekly Webcasts - This section is still under construction, but it will soon feature interviews with employers, educators and service providers.
  5. Live Twitter Feed - Can't wait for the weekly job postings? Keep up to date...minute to following Career Talk on Twitter @KDKA_CareerTalk.  For the non-Twitter users, Tweets will directly feed to Career Talk on KDKA.
  6. Relevant News Articles - The webpage includes regular news stories that focus on training, education, careers and economic development topics.
The direct link to the webpage is

Give it a look, and let me know what you think.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Industry Profile: Performing Arts, Spectator Sports, and Related Industries

Industry Description
Industries in the Performing Arts, Spectator Sports, and Related Industries subsector group establishments that produce or organize and promote live presentations involving the performances of actors and actresses, singers, dancers, musical groups and artists, athletes, and other entertainers, including independent (i.e., freelance) entertainers and the establishments that manage their careers. The classification recognizes four basic processes: (1) producing (i.e., presenting) events; (2) organizing, managing, and/or promoting events; (3) managing and representing entertainers; and (4) providing the artistic, creative and technical skills necessary to the production of these live events. Also, this subsector contains four industries for performing arts companies. Each is defined on the basis of the particular skills of the entertainers involved in the presentations.

The industry structure for this subsector makes a clear distinction between performing arts companies and performing artists (i.e., independent or freelance). Although not unique to arts and entertainment, freelancing is a particularly important phenomenon in this Performing Arts, Spectator Sports, and Related Industries subsector. Distinguishing this activity from the production activity is a meaningful process differentiation. This approach, however, is difficult to implement in the case of musical groups (i.e., companies) and artists, especially pop groups. These establishments tend to be more loosely organized and it can be difficult to distinguish companies from freelancers. For this reason, NAICS includes one industry that covers both musical groups and musical artists.

This subsector contains two industries for Industry Group 7113, Promoters of Performing Arts, Sports, and Similar Events, one for those that operate facilities and another for those that do not. This is because there are significant differences in cost structures between those promoters that manage and provide the staff to operate facilities and those that do not. In addition to promoters without facilities, other industries in this subsector include establishments that may operate without permanent facilities. These types of establishments include: performing arts companies; musical groups and artists; spectator sports; and independent (i.e., freelance) artists, writers, and performers.

Industry Employment Trends
TrendsYearUnited StatesPennsylvaniaPittsburgh, PA MSA
Number of Establishments201047,7631,221216
Numeric Change from Previous Year20114,209-113183
Percent Change from Previous Year20111%-.7%4.5%

Industry Employment Wages
WagesYearUnited StatesPennsylvaniaPittsburgh, PA MSA
Total Payroll Wages2010$30,687,538,826$1,120,302,501$366,631,365
Average Annual Wage2010$42,321$41,002$89,776
Average Weekly Wage2010$814$789$1,726

* Information provided by America's Career InfoNet