Tuesday, April 21, 2020

VRC 2020 - Shared Resources

It has been a great kickoff to the Virtual Reentry Conference 2020!

Bonita Fahy
On Monday, we met Bonita Fahy of the Nevada School of Professional Studies and author of the book, "Guilty: The Inside Truth."  Ms. Fahy shared her personal experience and talked about the successful resources which supported her reentry.  Here is the link to her book on Amazon....


Elsinore Bennu Think Tank for Restorative Justice
Tuesday morning, we met Dr. Norman Conti from Duquesne University.  Dr. Conti discussed the Elsinore Bennu Think Tank for Restorative Justice and shared thoughts on coalition building, reentry, bridging the gap with law enforcement and much more.  Here are the links to the book, "Life Sentences: Writings from Inside an American Prison," and the article about Police Training Inside-Out...



A few other resources that were mentioned and previewed during this session included Reentry412 and Realistic Reentry.  Here are the links to those websites...


The email address to contact the Think Tank for participation in their Zoom meetings and/or additional information is ebtt100@gmail.com.

Returning Citizens Magazine
Tuesday afternoon, we met Todd Dubose, CEO of Returning Citizens Magazine.  Mr. Dubose showed us in detail the contents of the magazine which is distributed to inmate tablets at 150 facilities around the country.  There are are also Employer and Jobs links on the website.  Here is the link to the magazine...


Let me know what you think so far.  I hope everyone is learning as much as I am!


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